Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The cache retrieve mode is ignored when calling the EntityMan-
ager.refresh method, as calls to refresh always result in data
being read from the database, not the cache.
To set the retrieval or store mode when using queries, call the Query.setHint or
TypedQuery.setHint methods, depending on the type of query:
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EntityManager em = ...;
CriteriaQuery<Person> cq = ...;
TypedQuery<Person> q = em.createQuery(cq);
q.setHint("javax.persistence.cache.storeMode", "REFRESH");
Setting the store or retrieve mode in a query or when calling the EntityMan-
ager.find or EntityManager.refresh method overrides the setting of the entity
Controlling the Second-Level Cache Programmatically
The javax.persistence.Cache interface defines methods for interacting with the
second-level cache programmatically. The Cache interface defines methods to check
whether a particular entity has cached data, to remove a particular entity from the cache,
to remove all instances (and instances of subclasses) of an entity class from the cache, and
to clear the cache of all entity data.
If the second-level cache has been disabled, calls to the Cache inter-
face's methods have no effect, except for contains , which will al-
ways return false .
Checking Whether an Entity's Data Is Cached
Call the Cache.contains method to find out whether a given entity is currently in the
second-level cache. The contains method returns true if the entity's data is cached,
and false if the data is not in the cache.
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