Java Reference
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Cache Store Mode
The cache store mode, set by the javax.persistence.storeMode property, con-
trols how data is stored in the cache.
The storeMode property can be set to one of the constants defined by the
javax.persistence.CacheStoreMode enumerated type, either USE (the de-
fault), BYPASS , or REFRESH . When set to USE the cache data is created or updated when
data is read from or committed to the database. If data is already in the cache, setting the
store mode to USE will not force a refresh when data is read from the database.
When the store mode is set to BYPASS , data read from or committed to the database is
not inserted or updated in the cache. That is, the cache is unchanged.
When the store mode is set to REFRESH , the cache data is created or updated when data is
read from or committed to the database, and a refresh is forced on data in the cache upon
database reads.
Setting the Cache Retrieval or Store Mode
To set the cache retrieval or store mode for the persistence context, call the EntityMan-
ager.setProperty method with the property name and value pair:
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EntityManager em = ...;
em.setProperty("javax.persistence.cache.storeMode", "BYPASS");
To set the cache retrieval or store mode when calling the EntityManger.find or
EntityManager.refresh methods, first create a Map<String, Object> in-
stance and add a name/value pair as follows:
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EntityManager em = ...;
Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>();
props.put("javax.persistence.cache.retrieveMode", "BYPASS");
String personPK = ...;
Person person = em.find(Person.class, personPK, props);
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