Java Reference
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pessimistically locking a versioned entity, the persistence provider will perform the ver-
sion checks that occur during optimistic locking, and if the version check fails, an Op-
timisticLockException will be thrown. Attempting to lock a non-versioned entity
with PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT is not portable and may result in a Per-
sistenceException if the persistence provider doesn't support optimistic locks for
non-versioned entities. Locking a versioned entity with PESSIMISTIC_WRITE results
in the version attribute being incremented if the transaction was successfully committed.
Pessimistic Locking Timeouts
The length of time in milliseconds the persistence provider should wait to obtain a
lock on the database tables may be specified using the
javax.persistence.lock.timeout property. If the time it takes to obtain a lock
exceeds the value of this property, a LockTimeoutException will be thrown, but the
current transaction will not be marked for rollback. If this property is set to 0 , the per-
sistence provider should throw a LockTimeoutException if it cannot immediately
obtain a lock.
Portable applications should not rely on the setting of
javax.persistence.lock.timeout , as the locking strategy
and underlying database may mean that the timeout value cannot be
used. The value of javax.persistence.lock.timeout is a
hint, not a contract.
This property may be set programmatically by passing it to the EntityManager
methods that allow lock modes to be specified, the Query.setLockMode and
TypedQuery.setLockMode methods, the @NamedQuery annotation, and as a prop-
erty to the Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory method. It may also
be set as a property in the persistence.xml deployment descriptor.
If javax.persistence.lock.timeout is set in multiple places, the value will be
determined in the following order:
1. The argument to one of the EntityManager or Query methods.
2. The setting in the @NamedQuery annotation.
the Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory
4. The value in the persistence.xml deployment descriptor.
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