Java Reference
In-Depth Information
7. In the Projects tab, right-click the producerfields project and select
To Build, Package, and Deploy the producerfields Example Using Ant
1. If the database server is not already running, start it by following the instruc-
tions in “ Starting and Stopping the Java DB Server ” on page 43 .
2. In a terminal window, go to:
tut-install /examples/cdi/producerfields/
3. Type the following command:
This command calls the default target, which builds and packages the applica-
tion into a WAR file, producerfields.war , located in the dist directory.
4. Type the following command:
ant deploy
To Run the producerfields Example
1. In a web browser, type the following URL:
The Create To Do List page opens.
2. Type a string in the text field and click Submit.
You can type additional strings and click Submit to create a task list with multiple
3. Click the Show Items button.
The To Do List page opens, showing the timestamp and text for each item you cre-
4. Click the Back button to return to the Create To Do List page.
On this page, you can enter more items in the list.
The billpayment Example: Using Events and Interceptors
The billpayment example shows how to use both events and interceptors.
The example simulates paying an amount using a debit card or credit card. When the user
chooses a payment method, the managed bean creates an appropriate event, supplies its
payload, and fires it. A simple event listener handles the event using observer methods.
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