Java Reference
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An interceptor binding also has the java.lang.annotation.Inherited annota-
tion, to specify that the annotation can be inherited from superclasses. The @Inherited
annotation also applies to custom scopes (not discussed in this tutorial), but does not apply
to qualifiers.
An interceptor binding type may declare other interceptor bindings.
The interceptor class is annotated with the interceptor binding as well as with the @In-
terceptor annotation. For an example, see “ The LoggedInterceptor Interceptor
Class on page 284 .
Every @AroundInvoke method takes a
javax.interceptor.InvocationContext argument, returns a
java.lang.Object , and throws an Exception . It can call InvocationCon-
text methods. The @AroundInvoke method must call the proceed method, which
causes the target class method to be invoked.
Once an interceptor and binding type are defined, you can annotate beans and individual
methods with the binding type to specify that the interceptor is to be invoked either on
all methods of the bean or on specific methods. For example, in the billpayment ex-
ample, the PaymentHandler bean is annotated @Logged , which means that any in-
vocation of its business methods will cause the interceptor's @AroundInvoke method
to be invoked:
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public class PaymentHandler implements Serializable {...}
However, in the PaymentBean bean, only the pay and reset methods have the
@Logged annotation, so the interceptor is invoked only when these methods are invoked:
public String pay() {...}
public void reset() {...}
In order for an interceptor to be invoked in a CDI application, it must, like an alternative,
be specified in the beans.xml file. For example, the LoggedInterceptor class is
specified as follows:
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