Java Reference
In-Depth Information
+ address.getZip() + ","
+ address.getCountry() + ","
+ customer.getEmail() + ","
+ customer.getPhone()); FileOutputStream(DATA_STORE),null);
return customerId;
The response returned to the client has a URI to the newly created resource. The return
type is an entity body mapped from the property of the response with the status code spe-
cified by the status property of the response. The WebApplicationException is a
RuntimeException that is used to wrap the appropriate HTTP error status code, such
as 404, 406, 415, or 500.
The @Consumes({ application/xml , application/json }) and @Pro-
duces({"application/xml","application/json"}) annotations set the
request and response media types to use the appropriate MIME client. These annotations
can be applied to a resource method, a resource class, or even an entity provider. If you do
not use these annotations, JAX-RS allows the use of any media type (“ */* ”).
The following code snippet shows the implementation of the getCustomer and find-
byId methods. The getCustomer method uses the @Produces annotation and re-
turns a Customer object, which is converted to an XML or JSON representation depend-
ing on the Accept: header specified by the client.
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@Produces({"application/xml", "application/json"})
public Customer getCustomer(@PathParam("id") String customerId) {
Customer customer = null;
try {
customer = findById(customerId);
} catch (Exception ex) {
"Error calling searchCustomer() for customerId {0}.
new Object[]{customerId, ex.getMessage()});
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