Java Reference
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Once you have this mapping, you can create Product objects in your application, return
them, and use them as parameters in JAX-RS resource methods. The JAX-RS runtime
uses JAXB to convert the XML data from the request into a Product object and to con-
vert a Product object into XML data for the response. The following resource class
provides a simple example:
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public class ProductService {
public Product getProduct() {
Product prod = new Product();
prod.setDescription("Queen size mattress");
return prod;
public Response createProduct(Product prod) {
// Process or store the product and return a response
// ...
Some IDEs, such as NetBeans IDE, will run the schema generator tool automatically dur-
ing the build process if you add Java classes that have JAXB annotations to your project.
For a detailed example, see “ The customer Example Application ” on page 209 . The
customer example contains a more complex relationship between the Java classes that
model the data, which results in a more hierarchical XML representation.
Starting from an Existing XML Schema Definition
If you already have an XML schema definition in an .xsd file for the data you want to
expose, use the JAXB schema compiler tool. Consider this simple example of an .xsd
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