Java Reference
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try {
out = new FileOutputStream(new File(path + File.separator
+ fileName));
filecontent = filePart.getInputStream();
int read = 0;
final byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
while ((read = != -1) {
out.write(bytes, 0, read);
writer.println("New file " + fileName + " created at " +
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "File{0}being uploaded to {1}",
new Object[]{fileName, path});
} catch (FileNotFoundException fne) {
writer.println("You either did not specify a file to upload
or are "
+ "trying to upload a file to a protected or nonex-
istent "
+ "location.");
writer.println("<br/> ERROR: " + fne.getMessage());
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Problems during file upload. Er-
ror: {0}",
new Object[]{fne.getMessage()});
} finally {
if (out != null) {
if (filecontent != null) {
if (writer != null) {
private String getFileName(final Part part) {
final String partHeader = part.getHeader("content-disposition");
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Part Header = {0}", partHeader);
for (String content : part.getHeader("content-disposi-
tion").split(";")) {
if (content.trim().startsWith("filename")) {
return content.substring(
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