Java Reference
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The object responsible for rendering a component (be it the component itself or a renderer
to which the component delegates the rendering) can use facets to aid in the rendering
process. These facets allow the custom component developer to control some aspects of
rendering the component. Consider this custom component tag example:
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<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Account Id"/>
<h:outputText value="Customer Name"/>
<h:outputText value="Total Sales"/>
<f:facet name="next">
<h:outputText value="Next"/>
<h:graphicImage url="/images/arrow-right.gif" />
The dataScroller component tag includes a component that will render the header
and a component that will render the Next button. If the renderer associated with this com-
ponent renders the facets, you can include the following facet elements in the ren-
derer element:
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<description>This facet renders as the header of the table. It
should be
a panelGroup with the same number of columns as the data
<description>This facet renders as the content of the "next"
button in
the scroller. It should be a panelGroup that includes an
tag that has the text "Next" and a right arrow icon.
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