Java Reference
In-Depth Information
To access the area code at the time the page is rendered, refer to the property from the
area component tag's value attribute:
<h:inputText id=area value="#{customer.areaCode}"
Values are retrieved from other implicit objects in a similar way.
Initializing Map Properties
The map-entries element is used to initialize the values of a bean property with a type
of java.util.Map if the map-entries element is used within a managed-prop-
erty element. A map-entries element contains an optional key-class element, an
optional value-class element, and zero or more map-entry elements.
Each of the map-entry elements must contain a key element and either a null-
value or value element. Here is an example that uses the map-entries element:
Click here to view code image
<key>My Early Years: Growing Up on *7</key>
<key>Web Servers for Fun and Profit</key>
The map created from this map-entries tag contains two entries. By default, all the
keys and values are converted to String . If you want to specify a different type for the
keys in the map, embed the key-class element just inside the map-entries ele-
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