Java Reference
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The h:selectBooleanCheckbox tag renders a check box and binds the fanClub
UISelectBoolean component to the specialOffer property of the cashier
bean. The h:outputLabel tag binds the component representing the check box's label
to the specialOfferText property of the cashier bean. If the application's locale
is English, the h:outputLabel tag renders:
I'd like to join the Duke Fan Club, free with my purchase of over
The rendered attributes of both tags are set to false , to prevent the check box and
its label from being rendered. If the customer makes a large order and clicks the Submit
button, the submit method of CashierBean sets both components' rendered prop-
erties to true , causing the check box and its label to be rendered.
These tags use component bindings rather than value bindings, because the managed bean
must dynamically set the values of the components' rendered properties.
If the tags were to use value bindings instead of component bindings, the managed bean
would not have direct access to the components, and would therefore require additional
code to access the components from the FacesContext instance to change the com-
ponents' rendered properties.
“Writing Properties Bound to Component Instances” in The Java EE 6 Tutorial: Basic
Concepts explains how to write the bean properties bound to the example components.
As described in “Adding Components to a Page Using HTML Tags” in The Java EE 6
Tutorial: Basic Concepts , a page author can bind converter, listener, and validator imple-
mentations to managed bean properties using the binding attributes of the tags that are
used to register the implementations on components.
This technique has similar advantages to binding component instances to managed bean
properties, as described in “ Binding Component Values and Instances to Managed Bean
Properties on page 133 . In particular, binding a converter, listener, or validator imple-
mentation to a managed bean property yields the following benefits:
• The managed bean can instantiate the implementation instead of allowing the page
author to do so.
• The managed bean can programmatically modify the attributes of the implement-
ation. In the case of a custom implementation, the only other way to modify the
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