Java Reference
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if (!(component instanceof UIInput)) {
if ( null == formatPatternsList || null == toValidate) {
value = toValidate.toString();
// validate the value against the list of valid patterns.
Iterator patternIt = formatPatternsList.iterator();
while (patternIt.hasNext()) {
valid = isFormatValid(
((String), value);
if (valid) {
if ( !valid ) {
FacesMessage errMsg =
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, er-
throw new ValidatorException(errMsg);
The @FacesValidator annotation registers the FormatValidator class as a val-
idator with the JavaServer Faces implementation. The validate method gets the local
value of the component and converts it to a String . It then iterates over the form-
atPatternsList list, which is the list of acceptable patterns that was parsed from the
formatPatterns attribute of the custom validator tag.
While iterating over the list, this method checks the pattern of the component's local
value against the patterns in the list. If the pattern of the local value does not match
any pattern in the list, this method generates an error message. It then creates a
javax.faces.application.FacesMessage and queues it on the FacesCon-
text for display during the Render Response phase, using a String that represents the
key in the Properties file:
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public static final String FORMAT_INVALID_MESSAGE_ID =
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