Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Whether or not you implement these methods in a component class, you can use the
javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD context parameter to specify in the deploy-
ment descriptor where you want the state to be saved: either client or server . If state
is saved on the client, the state of the entire view is rendered to a hidden field on the page.
By default, the state is saved on the server.
The web applications in the Duke's Forest case study save their view state on the client.
Saving state on the client uses more bandwidth as well as more client resources, while
saving it on the server uses more server resources. You may also want to save state on the
client if you expect your users to disable cookies.
Delegating Rendering to a Renderer
Both MapComponent and AreaComponent delegate all of their rendering to a sep-
arate renderer. The section “ Performing Encoding on page 109 explains how MapRen-
derer performs the encoding for MapComponent . This section explains in detail the
process of delegating rendering to a renderer using AreaRenderer , which performs the
rendering for AreaComponent .
To delegate rendering, you perform these tasks:
• Create the Renderer class.
• Register the renderer with a render kit by using the @FacesRenderer annota-
tion (or by using the application configuration resource file, as explained in Re-
gistering a Custom Renderer with a Render Kit on page 165 ) .
• Identify the renderer type in the @FacesRenderer annotation.
Creating the Renderer Class
When delegating rendering to a renderer, you can delegate all encoding and decoding to
the renderer, or you can choose to do part of it in the component class. The AreaCom-
ponent class delegates encoding to the AreaRenderer class.
The renderer class begins with a @FacesRenderer annotation:
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@FacesRenderer(componentFamily = "Area",
rendererType = "dukesbookstore.renderers.AreaRenderer")
public class AreaRenderer extends Renderer {
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