Java Reference
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if (getRendererType() != null) {
If there is a renderer available, this method invokes the superclass's encodeEnd method,
which does the work of finding the renderer. The MapComponent class delegates all ren-
dering to MapRenderer , so it does not need to check for available renderers.
In some custom component classes that extend standard components, you might need to
implement other methods in addition to encodeEnd . For example, if you need to re-
trieve the component's value from the request parameters, you must also implement the
decode method.
Performing Decoding
During the Apply Request Values phase, the JavaServer Faces implementation processes
the decode methods of all components in the tree. The decode method extracts
a component's local value from incoming request parameters and uses a
javax.faces.convert.Converter implementation to convert the value to a type
that is acceptable to the component class.
A custom component class or its renderer must implement the decode method only if
it must retrieve the local value or if it needs to queue events. The component queues the
event by calling queueEvent .
Here is the decode method of MapRenderer :
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public void decode(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) {
if ((context == null) || (component == null)) {
throw new NullPointerException();
MapComponent map = (MapComponent) component;
String key = getName(context, map);
String value = (String) context.getExternalContext().
if (value != null)
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