Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
open canopy. You also need to prune suckers from the base of the tree and
water sprouts in the canopy.
The trees can be trained to either modified central leaders or open cen-
ters. In either case, you use similar training and pruning methods as those
used for apple and pear (see page 425 ). In commercial settings, the trees
are typically trained to wide, flat-topped shapes ( figure 12.17 ) and re-
semble flowering crab apples. The small fruits are harvested using mechan-
ical shakers and are collected on tarps under the trees. In training young
trees, select your first branch at least 18 inches above the ground and 36 to
48 inches above the ground if you plan to harvest mechanically. In new may-
haw orchards, trees are usually planted about 25 feet apart in rows that are
spaced 25 to 30 feet apart. Early recommendations were for closer spacing,
but the higher density caused crowding.
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