Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 12.15
Pear Trees Trained to an Open Tatura Design
ABOVE: The trees are planted in double rows spaced about 20 inches
apart and are offset between rows to maximize the distance between
trees. Poles and wires are used to train and support the trunks.
Double Leader
This training system is especially good for commercial and home organic
pear production ( figure 12.16 ) . While several variations exist, they all de-
velop two leaders from each tree and train the leaders vertically, forming
two trunks. Essentially, this is a high-density version of the old palmette
training system, which uses greater numbers of smaller trees and spaces the
leaders closer together. The two leaders are formed about 10 inches above
the ground in a U shape and are trained vertically using horizontal wires at
a density of about 2,400 leaders per acre. Unlike the V-hedge and Tatura
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