Agriculture Reference
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ABOVE: 4) Thin out the leader to a weak lateral.
Freestanding, open center design. To develop a freestanding, open center
tree, you also begin with either whips or feathered trees. Develop a whorl
of branches as you would for modified central leader trees, described above.
The difference between mature open center and central leader trees is that
the open center trees have only a single whorl of scaffold branches set atop
a short trunk. How high you should develop your scaffold depends on your
preferences and your orchard equipment. Scaffolds are typically developed
at a height of 18 to 36 inches above the ground.
Open center trees usually have three to five scaffold branches. It's easier
to scout for pests and diseases and to spray trees with three or four main
branches. Distribute the branches evenly around the trunk and space them
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