Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
▪ Filbert (European) leaf roller
▪ Fruit tree leaf roller
▪ Green fruitworm
▪ Lacanobia fruitworm
▪ Leaf crumpler
▪ Lesser apple worm
▪ Mineola moth
▪ Obliquebanded leaf roller
▪ Pandemic leaf roller
▪ Redbanded leaf roller
▪ Redhumped caterpillar
▪ Tufted apple bud moth
▪ Variegated leaf roller
▪ Winter moth
Gypsy Moths
Gypsy moths are introduced lepidopterous pests from Europe and Asia and
are slowly moving across North America. Because they can defoliate large
expanses of hardwood plants, they are closely monitored by state, provin-
cial, and federal organizations. Aggressive community and regional eradica-
tion efforts are often used when new populations are detected. Practices that
control codling moth, Oriental fruit moth, leaf rollers, and fruitworms will
also control gypsy moths. Tanglefoot sticky wraps placed around the trunk
can help prevent the night-feeding larvae from reentering the trees. During
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