Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Pest Management
Survey of Pests
Pest Management Strategies
Insect and Mite Pests
As organic fruit growers dealing with a whole-systems (holistic or ecosys-
tem) approach, we need to integrate many pest management strategies into
our overall orchard management plan. We place the emphasis of our pre-
vention and pest control programs on beneficial organisms and cultural
practices. Organic pesticides are also key elements in the program, after we
have done everything else we can.
Survey of Pests
Fruits and fruit trees are valuable sources of food and/or habitat for many
different pests. Mammals, large and small, feed on the fruits, twigs, buds,
bark, and roots of the trees. Many bird species feed on fruits, and woodpeck-
ers and sapsuckers damage the trunks. Insect and mite pests attack fruits,
leaves, stems, and trunks, and certain nematodes can damage roots. For-
tunately, careful planning and management can control most of these pests.
Large Mammals
Moose are common and sometimes devastating pests for orchardists in
northern latitudes across much of North America. From personal experience,
I know that a single moose can destroy a remarkable number of fruit trees in
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