Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Correct soil nutrient deficiencies and other soil problems before planting
your trees.
Focus on your soil-building program.
Monitor soil pH (especially in the crop rows), and keep it within a desired
Monitor tree nutrition with visual observations and/or tissue testing, as
we discussed in chapter 8 .
Add fertilizers and increase the use of nitrogen-fixing cover crops when
tree or fruit observations or foliar tests indicate deficiencies.
Reduce the abundance of legumes and other nitrogen-fixing plants in the
understory if the trees are taking up too much nitrogen.
The way the orchard floor is managed has a great impact on soil struc-
ture and erosion. Part of the soil building program required by organic
certifying organizations involves protecting and enhancing soil struc-
ture and reducing erosion. Alley crops are very helpful in preventing
tain at least an annual cover crop in the alleys, or a perennial crop of
locally adapted plants.
If possible, maintain roads in permanent sod to reduce soil compaction
and erosion, provide access during wet weather, and reduce dust con-
tamination on the fruit. These areas are somewhat removed from the
fruit crops, and competition for water and nutrients is less. You have
flexibility in cover crop selection and management.
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