Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
fectively prevent the use of livestock for preharvest vegetation management.
The animals can be returned to the orchard after harvest. (Chickens can also
serve a valuable pest control role in orchards by devouring apple maggot
pupae, as discussed in chapter 11 .)
Insects are also used in biological weed control, although their usefulness
in orchards is still very limited. Beetles, for example, are used to manage
yellow starthistle and knapweeds in western North America, but neither
starthistle nor knapweeds are typically problems in orchards.
Non-fruit Crops
Non-fruit plants in and around orchards provide many benefits. Clover and
other legumes provide habitat for beneficial organisms and add nitrogen to
the soil. Perennial grasses and alfalfa in the alleys reduce soil compaction
and erosion while providing easy access in wet weather and reducing dust in
dry weather. Alley and in-row crops also help prevent nutrients from leach-
ing out of the root zone and release them slowly to the fruit crops. Cover
crops add organic matter, play key roles in the formation of soil aggregates,
and help create biologically diverse and active soil. Insectary crops provide
habitat for beneficial insects and mites.
Cover Crops
Several types of non-fruit crops can be used in orchards, including alley
crops, in-row cover crops, and insectary crops. Depending on where and
how the non-fruit plants are grown in the orchard, benefits include reduced
soil compaction and erosion, improved soil structure, increased biological di-
versity and activity, increased nutrient cycling, and habitat for beneficial or-
Including an annual or perennial alley crop in your orchard is highly re-
commended when climate and soil moisture allow. Suggested annual and
perennial cover crops are listed in table9.1 . These crops work well in most
fruit-growing areas of the United States and Canada. Check with Cooperat-
ive Extension and provincial fruit specialists in your area for additional re-
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