Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
transport and apply in an orchard. Obtaining uniform applications of the wet
product is also difficult, and uneven applications can create pH and nutri-
tional problems for your orchard crops. Be sure you have an accurate meas-
urement of the calcium equivalent of sugar beet lime before applying it to
your soil.
If you are in an area where sugar beet lime is readily available, it can be a
good choice as a soil amendment. Ensure that any product you use has been
tested to ensure it is pesticide-free, and check with your certification organ-
ization to ensure it is allowed for your operation.
Sulfur. We discussed the use of elemental sulfur in chapter 4 as a means
of lowering the pH in alkaline soils. Elemental sulfur can also be used to
add sulfur to the soil when pH is high and soil sulfur concentrations are low.
Elemental sulfur is available as pellets, prills, and powders. The smaller the
product particles are (the finer it is ground), the more rapidly the sulfur re-
acts in the soil to lower pH and the more rapidly available it is to plants. If
the soil pH is already in the desired range but sulfur concentrations are low,
add sulfur in the form of gypsum or sul-po-mag.
Woodashes. Wood ashes are allowed in organic production but can be prob-
lematic. They contain 1 to 2 percent P O and 3 to 7 percent K O, both of
which are rapidly available to plants. Wood ash is highly alkaline and re-
acts very quickly in the soil to raise the soil pH. Do not apply ashes to soils
that are already at or above the desired pH range and do not add more than
20 pounds of wood ash per 1,000 square feet per year. Use only ashes from
untreated and unpainted wood. They must not be created using colored pa-
per, plastic, or other prohibited substances. Excessive applications of ash can
cause pH and nutrient imbalances. Never use coal ash.
Worm castings. Worm castings are literally the manure formed by worms.
This organically rich material contains variable amounts of nutrients, based
on the worms' diets. Few commercially available worm casting fertilizers
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