Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Typical Symptoms and Treatments of Nutrient Excesses
Nitrogen (N) Excess
Symptoms . The numbers and growth of new shoots are excessive, and
growth tends to be unusually upright. Leaves are dark green, and the
foliage is lush and succulent. Fruit set is poor, and the fruits are often
large, soft, and poorly colored. Susceptibility to pests and diseases
(particularly fire blight) increases greatly. Growth fails to harden off in
the fall and winter injury to the branches and trunk increases.
Treatment. Reduce N fertilization and the use of N-fixing alley and in-
row cover crops.
Phosphorus (P) Excess
Symptoms. Excessive amounts of P can trigger apparent Cu, Fe, and
Zn deficiency symptoms.
Treatment. Keep soil pH adjusted correctly. Avoid excessive P applica-
Potassium (K) Excess
Symptoms. Excess K can trigger or exacerbate apparent Ca and Mg
deficiency symptoms.
Treatment. Avoid excessive K applications.
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