Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
deficiencies, although glyphosate herbicide drift can cause the same symp-
Typical symptoms associated with nutrient deficiencies and excesses are
described in tables 8.1a and 8.1b .
Typical Symptoms and Treatments of Nutrient Deficiencies
Nitrogen (N) Deficiency
Symptoms. Appear on older leaves first. Symptoms include small, light
green to yellowish leaves, possibly with dead tissues at the leaf tips.
New shoots are stunted and contain little vigor. Low fruit set is com-
Treatment. Apply blood meal or other rapidly available nitrogen in two
or three split applications during May through July.
Phosphorus (P) Deficiency
Symptoms. Visual symptoms of P deficiency are uncommon in tree
fruits. Leaves may be reduced in size and bluish-green in color, pos-
sibly with purplish veins and undersides of the leaves. Symptoms ap-
pear first on older leaves. Flower bud formation can be reduced, and
older leaves may drop early.
Treatment. Apply 250 lb/A (9 oz/100 square feet) of bonemeal.
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