Agriculture Reference
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the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. Some res-
istance to bacterial spot and brown rot but highly susceptible to leaf
curl. Develops some skin russet.
Climate Zones: Zones 5-8
Notes: The medium-sized fruits have yellow, freestone flesh with excel-
lent dessert quality. Some resistance to bacterial spot and bacterial
blight. A New Hampshire release considered to be among the most
cold-hardy nectarines. Widely recommended.
Red Gold (RedGold) (Redgold)
Climate Zones: Zones 5-8
Notes: The large fruits have yellow, freestone flesh with excellent fla-
vor and dessert quality. Fruit set is moderate, and the trees are vigor-
ous and time-consuming to prune. Second only to 'Fantasia' nectarine
in recommendations by fruit specialists.
Summer Beaut (Summer Beauty)
Climate Zones: Zones 5-8
Notes: The medium-sized fruits have yellow, freestone flesh with excel-
lent dessert quality. Ripens in mid-season. Widely recommended.
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