Agriculture Reference
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Notes: This greenish-yellow, 'Golden Delicious' offspring has excellent
quality for an early-ripening apple. Mildly tart and best used fresh.
Stores well for a summer apple. A popular early-season commercial
variety in Michigan.
Golden Delicious
Climate Zones: Zones 5-7
Blooms: Mid-season-Late
Ripens: Mid-season-Late
Notes: The medium-sized to large, yellowish-green to yellow fruits are
suitable for fresh use and cooking. One of the most popular varieties
Granny Smith
Climate Zones: Zones 5-8
Blooms: Mid-season
Ripens: Late-Very Late
Notes: The medium-sized to large, green fruits have tart flesh that is
excellent for fresh use. Stores well. Resistant to cedar-apple rust.
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