Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Powdery Mildew: resistant
Notes: The dark red fruits store well. Susceptible to bitter pit and
highly susceptible to quince rust.
William's Pride
Climate Zones: Zones 4-9
Blooms: mid-season
Ripens: late season
Apple Scab: very resistant
Cedar-Apple Rust: susceptible - very resistant
Fire Blight: resistant
Powdery Mildew: moderately susceptible - resistant
Notes: The medium-sized to large, dark red, slightly striped fruits are
suitable for fresh use and cooking. Stores well. Susceptible to water
core and requires two or three pickings. Resistant to black rot/bitter
rot and moderately susceptible to white rot. Not recommended on
MM111 rootstock due to bitter pit. Pollinate with other mid- and late-
blooming varieties.
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