Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Ripens: early season
Apple Scab: very resistant
Cedar-Apple Rust: very resistant
Fire Blight: susceptible - resistant
Powdery Mildew: susceptible - moderately resistant
Notes: The medium-sized, bright red fruits have good flavor and are
suitable for fresh use and cooking. Fair storage. Ripens in early mid-
season. Susceptible to small fruits and biennial bearing and requires
aggressive thinning. Some limbs produce bare wood. Susceptible to
black rot/bitter rot and white rot. Pollinate with other mid- and late-
blooming varieties.
Climate Zones: Zones 4-7
Blooms: mid- to late season
Ripens: late season
Apple Scab: very resistant
Cedar-Apple Rust: resistant
Fire Blight: moderately resistant
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