Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Blooms: mid-season
Ripens: mid- to late season
Apple Scab: very resistant
Cedar-Apple Rust: resistant - very resistant
Fire Blight: moderately resistant - resistant
Powdery Mildew: susceptible - resistant
Notes: The medium-sized, red-striped fruits resemble 'McIntosh' but
have better flavor. Suitable for fresh use, cooking, canning, and
desserts. Does not store well but is suitable for commercial direct-
sales. One of the best disease-resistant varieties. Reported to be mod-
erately to very susceptible to soft rots and may be challenging to grow
in the southern United States. Pollinate with other mid- and late-bloom-
ing varieties, such as 'Dayton', 'Prima', and 'William's Pride'.
Nova Easygro
Climate Zones: Zones 3-6
Blooms: early to mid-season
Ripens: mid- to late season
Apple Scab: very resistant
Cedar-Apple Rust: very resistant
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