Civil Engineering Reference
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If υ 3 depends also on x 2 ,X 3 is equal to
η 2 υ 3
2 υ 3
∂x 2
X 3 =
∂x 1 +
This simple description will be used to evaluate the effect of viscosity in cylindrical
pores, the radial velocity components being neglected, and the pressure depending only
on the x 3 direction of the pores.
Cylindrical tubes having a circular cross-section
A cylindrical tube having a circular cross-section is represented in Figure 4.2. The axis
of the cylinder is 0 x 3 . By using Equation (4.8), Newton's law reduces to
η 2 υ 3
2 υ 3
∂x 2
∂x 3 +
jωρ o υ 3 =−
∂x 1 +
ρ o being the density of air, and p the pressure.
The geometry of the problem is axisymmetrical around 0 x 3 , and Equation (4.9) can
be rewritten
r ∂υ 3
∂x 3 +
jωρ o υ 3 =−
The velocity υ must vanish at the surface of the cylinder, where the air is in contact
with the motionless frame. The solution of Equation (4.10), where the velocity vanishes
at the surface r
R of the cylinder is
jωρ o
∂x 3
J o (lr)
J o (lR)
υ 3 =−
In this equation, l is equal to
jωρ o /η) 1 / 2
and J o is the Bessel function of zero order.
Both determinations of the square root in Equation (4.12) give identical results,
because the Bessel function J 0 is even. The mean velocity
υ 3 over the cross-section
is equal to
o υ 3 2 πr d r
πR 2
υ 3
X 3
v 3
X 1
x 3
M(r,x 3 )
Figure 4.2
A cylindrical tube having a circular cross-section of radius R .
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