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The impedance Z of a layer of anisotropic fibrous material is represented in Figure 3.12.
The normal flow resistivity σ N and the thickness d of the material are respectively σ N
25 000 N m 4 sand d
2 . 5cm.
The impedance at 630 Hz is represented as a function of the angle of incidence θ
for three values of the anisotropy factor s = σ P N = 1, 0.6, 0.3. A value of s close to
0 · 6 was obtained in measurements performed on several glass wools (Nicolas and Berry
1984, Allard et al . 1987, Tarnow 2005).
Allard, J.F., Bourdier, R. & L'Esperance, A. (1987) Anisotropy effect in glass wool on normal
impedance in oblique incidence. J. Sound Vib ., 114 , 233 -8.
Cremer, L. and Muller, A. (1982) Principles and Applications of Room Acoustics . Elsevier Applied
Science Publishers, London.
Delany, M.E. and Bazley, E.N. (1970) Acoustical properties of fibrous materials. Applied Acoustics ,
3 , 105 - 16.
Nicolas, J. and Berry, J.L. (1984) Propagation du son et effet de sol. Revue d'Acoustique , 71 ,
191 - 200.
Tarnow, V. (2005) Dynamic measurement of the elastic constants of glass wool. J. Acoust. Soc.
Amer . 118 , 3672 - 3678.
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