Civil Engineering Reference
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By the use of Equations (1.56) and (1.57) one obtains
ρ 2 ϕ
∂t 2
At an angular frequency ω ( ω
= 2 πf ,where f is frequency), p can be rewritten as
p = ρω 2 ϕ
As an example, a simple solution of Equation (1.56) is
ρω 2
exp[ j(
kx 3 +
α ]
In this equation, A and α are arbitrary constants, and k is the wave number
ω(ρ/K) 1 / 2
The phase velocity is given by
ω/ Re k
and Im (k) appears in the amplitude dependence on x 3 ,exp ( Im (k)x 3 ) . In this example,
u 3 is the only nonzero component of u :
∂x 3 =−
ρω 2 exp[ j(
u 3 =
kx 3 +
α) ]
The pressure p is
ρ 2 ϕ
∂t 2
A exp[ j(
kx 3 +
α) ]
This field of deformation corresponds to the propagation parallel to the x 3 axis of a
longitudinal strain, with a phase velocity c .
Wave equations in an elastic solid
A scalar potential ϕ and a vector potential ψ 1 2 3 ) can be used to represent dis-
placements in a solid
∂x 1 +
∂ψ 3
∂x 2
∂ψ 2
∂x 3
u 1 =
∂x 2 +
∂ψ 1
∂x 3
∂ψ 3
∂x 1
u 2 =
∂x 3 +
∂ψ 2
∂x 1
∂ψ 1
∂x 2
u 3
In vector form, Equations (1.65) reduce to
u = grad ϕ
+ curl ψ
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