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Transfer matrix method
11.2.1 Principle of the method
Figure. 11.1 illustrates a plane acoustic wave impinging upon a material of thickness h ,
at an incidence angle θ . The geometry of the problem is bidimensional, in the incident
( x 1 ,x 3 ) plane. Various types of wave can propagate in the material, according to their
nature. The x 1 component of the wave number for each wave propagating in the finite
medium is equal to the x 1 component k t of the incident wave in the free air:
k t = k sin θ
where k is the wave number in free air. Sound propagation in the layer is represented by
a transfer matrix [ T ] such that
V (M) = [ T ] V (M )
where M and M are set close to the forward and the backward face of the layer,
respectively, and where the components of the vector V ( M) are the variables which
describe the acoustic field at a point M of the medium. The matrix [ T ] depends on the
thickness h and the physical properties of each medium.
Matrix representation of classical media
11.3.1 Fluid layer
The acoustic field in a fluid medium is completely defined in each point M by the vector:
= [ p(M), v 3 (M) ] T
V f (M)
x 3
x 1
finite medium
Figure 11.1
Plane wave impinging on a domain of thickness h .
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