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were D 2 is given by
D 2 = [ T 41 + ( 1 φ)s 2 ][ T 32 + φs 3 ] [ T 42 + ( 1 φ)s 3 ][ T 31 + φs 2 ]
The denominators D 1 and D 2 are related by
D 2 = T 41 T 32 T 31 T 42 D 1 Z 0
cos θ
A comparison of Equations (8.30) and (8.41) shows that the singularities of the
velocity components U z and U x are located at the same x wave number component ξ as
the singularities of the reflection coefficient.
The frame velocity components created by a plane field in air are used at the end
of the chapter to predict the displacements induced by a point source in air. The frame
velocity components obtained for a mechanical excitation are used in what follows for
different geometries of the excitation.
8.2.2 Circular and line sources
Let g( r ) be the radial spatial dependence of the circular source τ s . Using the direct and
inverse Hankel transforms
G (ξ)
r g (r) J 0 (ξr) d r
g (r)
ξ G (ξ) J 0 (ξr) d ξ
the axisymmetric source can be replaced by a superposition of excitations with a spa-
tial dependence given by the Bessel function J 0 ( ). The following equivalence (see
Equations (7.3) - (7.6)) and Appendix 8.B
2 π
G (ξ) J 0 (rξ)ξ d ξ
G (ξ) exp (
j(ξ 1 x
ξ 2 y) d ξ 1 d ξ 2
ξ 1 + ξ 2
ξ =
shows that J 0 (ξr) can be replaced by a superposition of unit fields with different orienta-
tions and the same radial wave number ξ . The total vertical velocity of the frame
z (r)
can be written (see Appendix 8.B)
2 π
U s
ξG(ξ)J 0 (ξ) U z (ξ) d ξ
z (r)
2 π
2 π
J 1 (u)
exp (
ju cos θ) cos θ d θ
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