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where v is the velocity and λ is the volume viscosity.
Mass balance in f
d t +
ρ 0
· υ =
where ξ is the acoustic density.
Adherence condition on s
/ s
Heat conduction equation
κτ = jω(ρ 0 c p τ p)
Air state equation
P 0 ξ
T 0
ρ 0 +
Thermal boundary condition
τ/ s
In order to express these equations in a dimensionless form, the reference length L is
chosen, and the dimensionless space variable will be x
X /L . Adequate characteristic
values υ c ,p c , ... of the quantities υ,p , ... are used to derive the dimensionless quantities
υ ,p *, ... obtained from υ = ν c υ ... and similar relations for the constant parameters.
The above set of equations introduces several dimensionless numbers whose orders of
magnitude are related to the characteristic values by
| p |
Lp c
η c v c
Q L =
υ | =
ρ 0 ∂t
ρ 0 c ω c L 2
η c
Rt L
d t
d ξ
ω c ξ c L
ρ 0 c v c
S L =
ρ 0 υ | =
The flow is forced by the macroscopic pressure gradient, and
O(p c /L) .The
flow occurs in the pores, and the viscous forces satisfy
| η υ |= O η c υ c
l 2 .
At radian frequency ω ,
ρ 0 ∂υ
O(ρ 0 c ω c υ c ).
The wavelength λ = 2 πL , leading to
O ρ 0 c υ c
L .
ρ 0 (
· υ
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