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was selected by Lafarge et al . (1997) as the homologue of α ( ω ). From Equation (5.6)
the thermal permeability is related to α ( ω )by q (ω) = ν φ/(jωα (ω)) .Forthecaseof
identical parallel cylindrical pores, it is seen from Equations (4.45) - (4.46) that α(ω )
can be identified with 1/ F ( ω )and α ( ω ) with 1/ F(B 2 ω ). With the simplified Lafarge
model, which gives for K the same high-frequency limit as Equation (5.28), the same
low-frequency limit as Equation (5.8), and satisfies the causality condition, α can be
1 / 2
2 q 0
ν φ
jωq 0
α (ω)
An additional parameter p is present in the complete expression of α ( ω )givenby
Lafarge (2006). This parameter can provide minor modifications of the bulk modulus in
the low- and the medium-frequency range, but does not seem necessary in the description
of the bulk modulus of plastic foams and fibrous materials. This parameter is equal to 1
in Equation (5.35).
Simpler models
5.5.1 The Johnson et al. model
The dynamic tortuosity in the work by Johnson et al . (1987) is given by
1 / 2
2 α q 0
jωq 0
The use of causality and of the asymptotic behaviour to justify the use of this expres-
sion was an important step in the description of sound propagation in porous media. The
same expression is obtained by setting b
1 in Equation (5.32) that was carried out later
by Pride et al . (1993). The effective density ρ
α(ω)ρ 0 has the right limit to first-order
approximation in 1 / ω for large ω given by Equation (5.26) and for small ω the limit
is given by
1 +
2 α q 0
2 φ
jωq 0
ρ 0 α
The limit of the imaginary part is given by Equation (5.7), j Im ρ
ηφ/(jωq 0 )
φσ/(jω) . As an example, for identical circular cross-sectional shaped pores, with
R 2 φ/ 8, the limit of the real part is 1.25 ρ 0 . The true limit obtained in
Chapter 4 is 1.33 ρ 0 . In spite of this small difference for the limit of Re ρ when ω tends
to zero, Equation. (5.36) and the 'exact' model give similar predictions.
and q 0 =
5.5.2 The Champoux -Allard model
The direct measurement of the static thermal permeability is not easy. The simplified
Lafarge model has been used with q 0 replaced in Equation (5.35) by the permeability
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