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Figure 5. (a) Actual markers (Vicon marker-set) compared to the estimated node positions using linear-LS
localization for a normal-walking MoCap file. and (b) Arbitrary sample-frame of a boxing MoCap file
showing the actual markers (Vicon marker-set) compared to the estimated node positions using C-MDS
localization with FFT-interpolation (Shaban 2010).
tracking systems. Then, we estimate the overall
power consumption and battery lifetime based
on realistic implementation components. Also,
we compare the performance of our proposed
system to commercial optical tracking systems
considering several gait parameters. Particularly,
we consider the parameters that are known to be
of clinical importance for the characterization of
abnormal gait.
This section investigates the integration of UWB
sensors with other sensors, i.e., sensor-fusion, in
order to be able to get a complete picture of gait
parameters including kinematics and kinetics.
Specifically, we consider the integration of UWB
sensors with foot force sensors, which is analo-
gous to using force-plates in commercial optical
Figure 6. Comparison between the measured knee-to-ankle distance using UWB radios with optimal
and suboptimal templates, and using optical tracking system(Shaban 2010).
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