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Exhibit 3. The content of a XSLT
<xsl:stylesheet version=”1.0” xmlns:xsl=”HTTP://”>
<xsl:output method=”html” encoding=”utf-8” doctype-public=”-//WAPFORUM//DTD
XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN” doctype-system=”HTTP://
<xsl:template match=”/”>
<title>A reminder!</title>
<p>Greetings <xsl:value-of select=”name”/>. You have loaned this topic:
<img src=”<xsl:value-of select=”img_book”/>”/>
Remember! You have <xsl:value-of select=”days_left”/> days to return it.
Thank you for your time!</p>
Accept or User-Agent . The reason is that UAProf
is a complex specification that has taken many
things into consideration (tutorial at Developer's
Home). This makes UAProf powerful but it also
contains a lot of rules. For example:
user agent profiles. Hence, to find the final
value of an attribute, the server-side have to
perform a process called profile resolution:
◦ Read the default attribute values.
◦ Read the attribute values specified in
the UAProf profiles.
◦ Read the changes specified in the
X-wap-profile-diff headers or the
Profile-diff headers.
◦ Merge all these values by following a
certain order and a set of rules.
3. UAProf is not supported by all wireless or
mobile devices, so a server may not be able
to find the URI of the UAProf document in
HTTP headers.
4. UAProf does not mandate the use of the
X-wap-profile header as the exclusive re-
1. The UAProf specification allows more than
one UAProf profile for a mobile device,
which means someone may find more than
one URIs in the X-wap-profile header.
2. The UAProfs may contain a default descrip-
tion block, which is used to specify default
values to attributes. The default values may
be specified in the document locally or in
an external profile. Then, two special HTTP
headers, X-wap-profile-diff and Profile-diff,
can be used to specify changes to the original
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