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SOA technology concept
The deceptive simplicity of SOA as an architectural approach made it attractive twelve
years ago, and this deception (actually, the misunderstanding) caused its downfall after two
to three years of initial implementations. Initially, the idea was pure and simply brilliant; it
is mentioned as follows:
• Quickly maturing XML, as the most universal standard and foundation for practic-
ally everything: messaging, transformations, protocols, data representation, the
way you name it
• Emergence of web services, as the next logical step in object-orientation and pro-
cedural programming with the highest level of encapsulation and standard detach-
able API expressed via the WSDL contract
• SOAP presented in 1998 promised some transport-independent (to a certain extent)
messaging protocol that was simple enough to gain popularity in the blink of an
In addition to the UDDI standard, employing lots of XML features has also been presented
in order to support service discoverability. Thus, we got our first so-called Contemporary
SOA representation in the shape of a triangle: Service Consumer (Sender), Service Pro-
vider (Receiver), and Service Registry (UDDI) shown as follows:
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