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With the service-oriented approach, the result will be quite similar if any of the previously
discussed principles are neglected or put off-balance. The following figure explains the
general relations between principles and their importance for composability. Loose Coup-
ling and Abstraction together with Composability are the regulatory principles, shaping
and governing the implementation of others. Despite their regulatory status, only Ab-
straction is quite difficult to quantify, although it's still quite possible by assessing the
amount of message-processing logic in marshaler / contract parser and core service logic.
The Statefulness and Autonomy services are pure technical principles and directly affect
Reusability . It would be quite right to say that Reusability and Discoverability together
have a major impact on Composability , but other principles also must be accounted for.
We would like to advise you to keep this relation matrix in front of you every time you are
given the task to analyze an existing design or propose a new one based on expressed illit-
ies, or analyze what's behind the illities, which is promoted as design guidance. It will pre-
vent you from establishing rules that are too vague for understanding and following. For
the final exercise dedicated to principles alone, let's get back to our list of top ten generic
wishes and analyze the sixth item; refer to the following table:
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