Database Reference
In-Depth Information
<wlevs:listener ref="cargoBookingChannel" />
<wlevs:instance-property name="keyProperties"
<wlevs:instance-property name="timeProperty"
value="bookingTime" />
With many parameters to correlate, you can assign an entire class as an instance
property. The outbound adapter is configured in a similar way; for more details,
please see the Oracle EPN documentation. For brevity, we also skipped configur-
ation details for channels and listeners.
Compared to JMS's configuration routines, the DB intermediate store will require
at least one more in addition to the inbound event's source adapter; however, the
data source and store provider must be configured first:
<data-source-name> VoyBookEvt </data-source-name>
To record the events in DB, we need to specify what type of events we want to re-
cord for the adapter. Please note that in addition to the adapter, we can use the
processor stream and event beans for event recording:
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