Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Goals and benefits
Common solutions' requirements
Increased vendor diversification options
Increased federation
5, 6
Increased business and technology alignment
1, 2
It is also obvious from the previous requirements list that some of the requirements are
very contradictory, and in most practical implementations, there could be quite a few nat-
ural enemies present, such as:
• Security and performance (always blood enemies).
• Reliability factors and highly reusable components (for example, having a single
point of failure).
• Resilience achieved by Redundant Implementation and IT costs, independent re-
usable assets and governance costs (for example, preventing the component logic
from getting scattered over several implementations).
• Flexibility and reuse-by-design and development costs (for example, in the initial
phase of development). Higher flexibility denotes that more execution paths are
required, which requires more testing.
This list can go on as the previously mentioned points are just the obvious ones. Thus, the
benefits summarized in the table are comparably more consistent as the most contradict-
ing parts are abstracted. However, we must keep in mind that they are still there, and we
will focus on them in more detail while discussing the implementation of design prin-
ciples. What is important now is to distill the most common characteristics that any archi-
tectural approach will ensure in every application to attain these benefits.
It is clear that one of the primary requirements for reducing time to market is to improve
communication between the technical leads and business analysts. If the ways of express-
ing the business and technical requirements are kept abstracted from the analysts, and at
the same time, the essential technical specifications are kept in place for the developers,
then this architectural model could be truly business-driven. The other way around is also
valid. If IT provides a managed collection of reusable business-related services, then it's
quite possible that new business opportunities can be spotted and proposed by business
analysts; this is because new workflows are composed out of the existing services. The re-
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