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and recreating the same using XDB would be really a big waste of time and effort. Thus,
we have to find the ways to reuse existing cursors in XML construction procedures. Obvi-
ously, we will again use the custom approach and we are about to present it to you in a
very concise way. Teaching you PL/SQL is not the purpose of this topic, so we believe
that you can figure out the simple commands behind the XXCU_COMMON_UTIL_* pack-
ages we employ in our examples.
The custom message constructor can be implemented by performing the following simple
1. Make sure that all necessary cursors are public and valid.
2. Create temporary CLOB for further EBO construction and open it using the fol-
lowing line of code:
v_olob :=
(v_olob, 1);
3. Open initial tags according to your XSD and open cursor using the following
XXCU.XXCU_COMMON_UTIL_XML.open_xml_tag (v_olob,
(v_olob,'CountryCode', ip_countrycode);OPEN
creditmonitoring_cur(ip_countrycode); LOOP FETCH
creditmonitoring_cur INTOcreditmonitoring_rec; EXIT
Construct the Business Object XML. If you have nested nodelists—call procedures for
their construction. To do so, just pass your temporary CLOB to a subprocedure and use
the same construction steps. Do it in a loop if you have recordsets with many rows, shown
as follows:
XXCU.XXCU_COMMON_UTIL_XML.open_xml_tag (v_olob, 'Company');
v_country_id_attr :=
XXCU.XXCU_COMMON_UTIL_XML.get_attribute ('CountryCode',
(v_olob, 'Country', );
XXCU.XXCU_COMMON_UTIL_XML.print_xml_tag (v_olob,
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