Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The Governance of the Service Inventory using the Service Repository and Registry is a
complex multiphase cyclic process, covering a service's lifecycle aspects—from the cradle
to the grave. It's not possible to even scratch the surface regarding most of them in a sixty-
page chapter; an entire topic is not enough (although, we would like to recommend Thomas
Erl's SOA Governance: Governing Shared Services On-Premise and in the Cloud, Prentice
Hall )! Oracle has the necessary building blocks to cover these requirements:
• A Registry for runtime Discoverability
• A Repository to store all SOA artifacts with their relations and descriptions for
design-time Discoverability and comprehensive project management
• The utility for the synchronization of Registry and Repository to compensate
tModels' limitations and expand the runtime Discoverability options
• An API and simple UIs to handle and control all the artifacts in Registry and Re-
• Connectors to a developer's tools and application servers for developers and ad-
• Connectors to error handling facilities and business monitoring tools for policy en-
forcement and the control of service statistics
All of this would be not possible without a clear understanding of an artifact's taxonomy
and relations. This chapter demonstrated this aspect and the ways of expressing these tax-
onomies in the XML forms for the entire message, Message Header, and Process Header
(execution plan). The concepts of Domain and Enterprise Inventories patterns were ex-
plained from a Discoverability requirements standpoint together with the Cross-Domain
Utility layer. As a practical outcome, you were presented with a custom lightweight Service
Repository schema, suitable for implementation on OER. We will use this concept further
in the next chapters dedicated to the adapter framework and error handling.
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