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Message Header (MH) is an SBDH-compliant construct (
xml/sbdh/SBDH_v1_3_Technical_Implementation_Guide_i1.pdf ) with the main purpose
of conveying additional metadata about the message or a payload in the message. Origin-
ally, from its specification, it can also provide some generic processing information.
To support the object referencing and process coordination parts, we propose to separate
the processing construct in the Process Header, which will contain the composition EP as
coordination instructions for the Service Broker.
Business Object (EBO), Message Header, and Qualified Data Types (QDT) are subjects of
versioning and should have a namespace's postfixes according to individuals' current ver-
In addition to the QDTs, Qualified Data Object (QDO) can be maintained and governed.
For example, governing should take control over the distinction of QDT and QDO:
QDT : Examples include Credit Card Data Type, Local Timestamp, Local Date,
and Specific ID
QDO : Examples include Address, and so on
Qualified types and object can also be part of payload (EBO).
In a Message Container, EBO will be presented as <any> :
<xsd:element name="Payload">
<xsd:any processContents="lax"/>
This type of granularity is definitely negative for security reasons, but as long as we are
building SB on the EBF layer, our primary concern is the ability to perform message/ser-
vice brokering agnostically. The adapter framework, together with the service perimeter
guard, will be responsible for message screening, validation, and wrapping ABO/EBO in
the container.
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