Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Entity types
Summarizing all the entity types from the preceding table, we come up with the six main
types, which are in line with the public classifications proposed by Open Group and SAIF
1. Objects (top hierarchy entity).
2. Messages or message particulars (XML or a representation of a serialized object in
3. Services, tasks, or a task's particulars (including WSDL and its parts).
4. An application's Endpoints or Endpoint particulars (SOAP or other types).
5. Rules or Rulesets.
6. Enterprise Business Events.
The SR physical implementation can be as follows:
• File-based (for instance, temporarily MDS has been used in all previous chapters)
• DB-based (planned for flexibility and performance):
◦ The OER DB schema with complex assets relations
◦ The OSR entities with metadata elements in tModels
◦ Custom DB with OER/OSR synchronization (a custom DB structure is
presented later in The SQL Implementation of the service taxonomy section
in this chapter)
The composite entities (such as tasks) can be constructed as:
• Static from the file location
• Dynamic from the DB query
• Static from the DB
• Dynamic from the RE
A common rule for the ER implementation for all approaches is to have a unified ESR end-
point for an entity lookup, with the MessageHeader elements as an input parameter.
Entity types' relations
With entity types accounted for and identified, to save your time, we will jump right to
their relations and explain their roles later:
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