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The Dynamic Service Collaboration
According to the Oracle methodology formalized in the AIA approach, Enterprise Service
Bus is the only mandatory pattern in the enterprise SOA infrastructure, which is maintained
as an EBS framework. That's what we have learned in the first two chapters. At the same
time, in our practical exercise in the previous chapter, we started with Enterprise Business
Flows, discussing the orchestration patterns and not ESB. How is it possible to have an op-
tional core? Is it really a core? Yes, it is. First of all, Enterprise Business Flows ( EBF ),
which are offered as task-orchestrated services, are the closest entities that represent our
business and how we understand it. No wonder most of the IT initiatives related to SOA
are carried out by the BPEL implementations (since Oracle 10 g ), despite the service's
nature, their MEPs (synchronous or asynchronous), and the necessity of orchestration in
general. The telecommunication primer is pretty common as seven out of 10 companys' ar-
chitects associate the SOA patterns with orchestration alone, and this legacy has to be re-
factored sooner or later, and so have we done it.
As we have already demonstrated, the SCA dynamic Composition Controller is able to
carry out reliable broker services for all the MEP types within an existing business domain
(order provisioning) and between other domains in OSS/BSS. The actual numbers achieved
with this approach are presented in the following table:
Typical OSS/BSS
Operational conditions and settings
Average number of
This workload has been handled with one fault per 50,000 orders. The most com-
mon reason is that the input is not according to XSD.
30,000 orders daily (60,000 peak)
This depends on the type of order and requested product. No message loss takes
2 minutes to 14 days
soa-infra : Select SOA logs | Log configuration : Level : ERRORS ;
Synchronous trans-
soa-infra : Select SOA Administration | Common Properties . Set
Audit Level : Off
800 ms for an execution plan with
nine consecutive tasks
Capture Composite Instance State : Off
(Stress test)
soa-infra : Select SOA Logs | Log Configuration ; Level : WARNING
Synchronous trans-
soa-infra : Select SOA Administration | Common Properties ; Audit
Level : Production
1500 ms for an execution plan with
nine consecutive tasks
Capture Composite Instance State : Off
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