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Hudson is an open source tool supported by Oracle. It's a continuous integration server
capable of executing practically any scripting tasks, such as Ant targets, Java compiler
tasks, and Maven goals, and in doing so, performs almost any type of assembly and de-
ployment. It can also be easily integrated with any type of version control system and
equipped with a powerful scheduler. All connections can be secured and dedicated creden-
tials can be established for every subsystem (code repository or deployment targets). All
Hudson's projects can be established in a hierarchical way with the master project on the
top and subtasks below. The build process itself can be distributed as Hudson supports the
master-slave topology for distributed assembly and compilation. Master (central Hudson
server) and Slaves (agents performing build tasks) can be dispersed between on-premise
and cloud(s) installations. The previous figure illustrates the simplest (yet most effective)
way of implementing this framework.
Maven ( ) and its plugins will be necessary
when your project has different heterogeneous components—not only SOA Suite SCAs
but also DB schemas, separate Java modules, and Oracle Meta Data Services ( MDS ). In
most cases, Ant can do all the jobs required for the task's execution against the targets.
The mandatory part here is the versioning system (subversion) in connection to
JDeveloper and Hudson, deployment server (probably WLS), and Hudson CI server.
When a developer submits the project's code, Hudson detects the change in versioning
system and run the scripts associated with these projects. Alternatively, it will be more ef-
fective to schedule these Hudson tasks at a certain interval. Developers must observe and
respect the code build and submit culture diligently. When code is assembled and com-
piled successfully, Hudson can proceed with the deployment on the JIT server and execute
the test scripts. If an error occurs during the assembly and build or during testing, a report
will be generated. Build Manager and the developers will always see the status on the
Hudson console as sunny or rainy .
This framework probably does not produce an SOA pattern, but its role together with the
Service XML and Object development frameworks in maintaining the contract-first devel-
opment paradigm is crucial. That's the core of the Agile development, and without estab-
lishing a proper development and deployment culture, we will not be able to move further
toward complex Orchestration and Service Brokering.
Establishing the adapter framework
When discussing AIA, we emphasized the role of the adapter framework in establishing
the compound SOA pattern named Federated Endpoint Layer (in AIA terms, ABCS). This
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