Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
n Navigate Backward: If you have multiple code view tabs open, this
option navigates backward between them.
n Navigate Forward: If you have multiple code view tabs open, this option
navigates forward between them.
The Tools menu contains a single option called Snippets, this allows you to store
(save) a selection of code that you find useful for pasting into the editor later on.
This option is currently not available within Realm Crafter.
There are no options within the Help menu. The Help menu will launch a help
system that provides you with more information about programming in Realm
Toolbar Options
The toolbar options are as follows from left to right, and are shown in Figure 15.7:
Figure 15.7
The Script Editor toolbar.
n New: Creates a new script.
n Save: Saves the currently selected script file.
n Save All: Saves all script files.
n Print Preview: Previews what the script will look like on paper if it were
n Print: Prints the current code view page.
n Cut: Removes any selected code and places it into the Windows
n Copy: Copies any selected code and places it into the Windows clipboard.
n Paste: Pastes any code that is currently in the Windows clipboard.
n Undo: Undoes any changes that you have made.
n Redo: Repeats any changes that you have made.
n Help: Displays the Help file.
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