Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 13
The Create Panel
The Create panel allows developers to set up various systems, objects, and
features within a game, such as a terrain, an emitter, or an NPC path (waypoint).
On selecting the Create option from the Panels group, you will see the drop-
down box in Figure 13.1. In Figure 13.2, you can see all of the options that you
can choose from.
The options available are:
n Zone : Allows you to create a new zone.
n Scenery object : Allows you to place a scenery object, such as plant, tree,
house, and so on.
n Terrain : Creates a base-level terrain tile that you can then use to
generate your landscape. This is the same as creating a blank heightmap
using an image.
n Emitter : Places an emitter, such as a waterfall or fire effect. In some
cases, you may want to place an emitter on another object such as
fireplace, candle holder, or water feature.
n Water area : Creates an area that will contain water.
n Collision box : Creates a zone that can check for player collision and
therefore prevent players from entering that particular area.
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